“How Social Workers & Allies Against Solitary Confinement Saved My Life”
Solitary confinement coffined my outgoing persona into a closed casket fitted precisely for an isolationist. My memory vividly reminds me of past decades when I was the life of plenty of parties. However, nowadays, I don’t even party. If, and or when, I leave my humble dwelling, I walk with my face cast downward, avoiding any and all eye contact.
My entire persona mirrors that of an introvert. I no longer possess a desire to be friendly to my friends. In fact, I view former friends as potential enemies and I'm reluctant to befriend any strangers. All of this occurs despite the gravity of their politeness or the depth of their generosity.
I try to rest while a naked light bulb shines brightly into my swollen and sleepy eyes. In my humble abode, the bleakness and blackness breathes life into the lungs of shadowy silhouettes of sadistic correctional officers. They are raping and molesting my mind, body and soul in ways unimaginable to the average human being. Their uniforms are simply costumes designed to subliminally heighten anxieties and exacerbate fears. Similar to Batman these bad men wear utility belts equipped with weapons reminiscent of phallic symbols.
For example, imagine sleeping in a cage that is as small as a baby’s casket; or, certainly no bigger than a puppy’s dog house. Thrice a day, a metal tray scattered with slop is delivered through a miniature mail slot.
It’s a Godless environment because the only prophets are the sinister guards who profit off the misery and mayhem that perpetuates and circulates throughout these hellholes. I thank the higher powers for SWASC. I believe that without the help of these social workers and the officiousness of these caring officials; there would be no oversight of these fire breathing dragons; all of whom guard, serve and protect these inhumane dark and dusky dungeons.