National Association of Social Workers’ (NASW) Response to Solitary Confinement
SWASC End Solitary! newsletter articles referring to NASW-related concerns
Issue 3 - January/February 2018
Valerie Kiebala - Witness to Human Torture - reflects NASW Ethics expert Frederic Reamer's comments about social workers working in solitary confinement facilities
Why Did NASW Neglect to Tell Members About Suicide in Correctional Facilities?
SWASC Updates
SWASC Sends Cover Letter to NCCHC with Petitions Signed by Nearly 700 members
No Response from Chapters
I Take Action!
SWASC promotes NASW's request to members, asking them to write to lawmakers to support: Stop Cruelty to Migrant Children Act (S. 2113/H.R. 3918). Reflects SWASC’s efforts to support positive actions by NASW
Special Edition: Legislative Alert and Briefing to curb solitary confinement with Mary Buser -
The briefing on the Solitary Confinement Study and Reform Act of 2019 (HR 4488) was held on November 21, 2019. NASW did not support, although the NASW Board had promised to act on national legislation.
Of National Interest
*The Year of Clear Vision - Read the whole article p. 3
*Social Workers Push Back Against Solitary Confinement p.7
NYS Bill to Ban Participation in Torture by Health Professionals p. 11
Supported by NASW-NYS 12.2015 - See
Please read the following articles and sub-articles:
*Incoming NASW President Mildred "Mit" Joyner on racism, social justice, and recommended educational resources for social workers and social work students p. 1.
FYI, as our most recent example, we haven't had a response to our request for the NASW to be involved in resolving the dual loyalty dilemma by working with us to eliminate solitary confinement. Mit Joyner provided an article that included support for ending solitary confinement.
COVID-19's impact on prisons and solitary. including "NASW's statement on advocacy"; and "On the ground: Ahmenise Senati and NASW-CA Board report serious neglect due to COVID-19 pandemic at LA Correctional Facility.